Monday, March 09, 2009

Don't Be a Stranger to Yourself

The lovers revolve, but the picture is always the same.

It's usually blurry from my love of hiding from lights.

I'm never actually looking at the photo. But whichever fascination has decided to capture me, they usually get it.

Genuinely happy. It's a smile that used to be reserved only for the moment in question.

But recently, they have been shedding some light on it.

I never know it's happening. I will be pressing buttons late at night, and come across that moment, now pixelated and glad I was the only one in the room.

And tonight, as I stumble over the most recent evening of a self inflicted silent phone, I have found another.

It could make me sad. It could remind me of how I have run.

Instead, it reminds me that sometimes, in the early dawn or late afternoon, when I have reclaimed an old plaid shirt and given up on everything else,

I have made these moments, and

I really am happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for hosting me over the break. have a good rest of the semester. let me know when you find stuff out. you're in my prayers

2:27 AM  

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