Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Normally, the comment bar does not catch my attention.
But curiosity reigns over who keeps brightening my day.
Verno brought up this place one day last week, and I asked him what he thought about it. He replied, "well, its really negative."
This keyboard has and continues to serve its purpose in my life. However, in my lack of vigilance, I seem to only let my fingers stray over its letters when a knot has formed inside of me.
Mr. All Around and I laid down on the floor tonight and listened to music. Several times I found myself gasping for air in between laughs.
I sit back and realise that although there always seems to be some form of conflict swirling around the cerebral roller coaster, the overall feeling is
well, appreciation for the small things.
I laugh so often these days. Yes, stress takes me for a ride from the moment it seeps out of the alarm clock to the second it sits and waits for the next day to appear. Yet, this time around in life, I still can jump around in bliss to an Of Montreal song while the thought of Calculus steeps.
Colleges make their final decree in a few weeks. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever concerning where I will end up next year.
But I'm in College of the Atlantic, and I know that worst comes to worse, I will spend the next four years happy.
Heaven forbid. It's a continual loop every time anyone asks where I applied. I rattle off the list, pause, and then quickly throw in the COA name. Therein starts the questioning.
But in the end, I suppose life seems to be working out. Don't be too fazed by the weary posts, they are the only way to get the knots untied. I'm close to where I need to be in school, I'm with who I want to be, friends exist everywhere, and a few good ones show up too.
And, to whoever has been so kind lately, thank you. I suppose I love you too.
I'm so glad that the comment I left made you happy, and I hope you are not agonizing over who typed this and the one from the other night because, frankly, it doesn't matter. I just want you to know, in case you have forgotten, how much your writing means to me and also how much you mean to me (a lot).
Once again, thank you for existing, and have a beautiful night.
Well, I just left that comment and then I looked back at all of your old blogs. I've only seen the past few and I'd never read any of these. So, I just read a few and looked at these beautiful pictures and now I am crying and so happy.
Again, thank you.
ok it's either dan, your mom, or god help us will.
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