Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore

Dear Chad and Tony,
Shame on both of you. I have been reading the growing tension between the chicken and the busblog, and you are both yelling at each other for having your hands in the cookie jar.
First off, Tony Pierce, shame on you. I lost a lot of respect when I read that nasty rebuttal to Chad's need to express his opinion to you. Blogging should never stoop so low as to slam the door in your compatriot's face. I have watched Chad support you through thick and thin, and there are many ways you can disagree with a friend without setting fire to the string that holds you two together.
Secondly, Chad, shame on you. You and I both know that blogging is a selfish addiction. You stopped blogging because you were no longer writing for yourself. Remember that? So to demand that another fellow keyboard slave caters to your whims is well, the most hypocritical statement a blogger could make. Also, look at your archives. The words you bleed now are a different color from those earlier in your life. People change. Priorities shuffle around in our head like a dance marathon. To expect someone to write the same way even though their lives have shifted course is ridiculous.
Time magazine named us the people of the year for what we strive towards. We are changing the world, and even though we light up every part of that Christmas tree we call life, we all have something in common. Writing runs through our veins, whether it is 5 times a day in several places, a few times a week with cute girl, or sporadically with random emotions (hem, me).
Every single one of us has changed. We each have found ourselves wrapped up in some project at certain times in our lives. Mine was the mad scientist, Tony was the laist, chad, you were everything else. However long it takes, we all find ourselves back to why we each pound out these words.
We're writers, no matter what the hell we write about. And the last thing we should do is try to strip that away from each other.
Love, respect, and spell check,
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