The Great Blink

Dear God,
You and I need to have a little talk. Driving home from amongst the bubble of the west this evening, the subject of church came up.
I honestly don't think its the best idea to let myself be dragged to church when I don't believe in Jesus.
Mom, apparently, does.
The thought of no religion scares the hell out of her. The fact that I am comfortable with no present religion scares her even more. Any faith will work for her as long as I have something to believe in.
Maybe not believing is the best part, though. Without a book to guide me, a pew to pray in, a host to eat, I finally feel free to dwell on my own thoughts.
Another thing. I understand you like dedicated Christians, but the theocratic feeling that seems to be enclosing around me sends lines to my face. Everyone seems to be a whore on Friday, trashed on Saturday, and saddle shoes and prayer books on Sunday.
What scares me about what humans have done with religion is how they have incorporated humanism into it. i may not stand on a cement block of faith, but the beliefs about life that I do carry around with me stay with me. I would do anything for anyone.
Not to say I'm not a hypocrite. The soul typing this words seems to be a walking contradiction even to itself on occasion. However, I care about others, and that's whats important.
Organized religion scares me because humans are in charge of it, and therefore bind it to be flawed. Perhaps by not calling myself a name, I am avoiding holy wars, vengeful editorial columns, and the honest belief that another is inferior according to what they pray to.
I have to thank you for Lovely on that part. He didn't turn me away from Catholicism. Instead, he simply planted a seed of realization that my faith was not the end all.
Without all the humans in the way, I think you are great.
Quite funny how this life works out, isn't it?
blasphemently yours,
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