The Pina Colada Years

Senior year has quietly gotten out of bed and softly picked up the strewn clothes of the past year from the floor. She has tiptoed down the halls of high school and is letting herself out the front door, making sure not to close it too hard.
High school is a breath away from over. None of us have realised that she has left. We all seem to be sleeping next to her indentation and the smell of perfume on the pillow.
I look back and think about that first day when a young catholic school girl got tossed into the blender of 2000 living, breathing, public school souls.
How things have happened. Even scrolling through the pages of lunchbox, the youth which peaks out from photos of volleyball and times with lovely and girls and Rashka astounds me.
I have had my heart broken twice. I have broken a heart once. I've laughed, cried, screamed, dropped myself off into the depths of anonymity and thrown myself upon the stage in front of curious eyes. I've passed, failed, gossiped, shredded friendships, forged new ones, learned the ugly side of numerous people, and found the beautiful side of more.
I know that in a few days I will reach my arm across for the senior year that isn't there. I will wake up clutching the pillow and memory of an amazing four years.
Lovely was right. It is the best time of your life so far. I remember one of the evenings when he walked me home and explained what was in store for the next four years.
Yes, part of me wants to rip apart her pictures and erase her number. The tests, the disappointments, the viciousness that high school can thrust upon the personality of a soul.
And yet, she leaves me wanting more. High school will never exist again.
It was phenomenal and challenging and it has pushed me to a place where I am almost comfortable with the craziness inside of me.
She's almost gone, but I will never forget her.
And sometimes, thats the best thing of all.
Senior year was one of the best years of my life. It's sad to think about now, knowing it was so long ago. But the summer after is one of the best summers ever. Half hectic and scared of what was just around the corner and half excited and slacking off after finishing something that took 12 years to accomplish. Enjoy it.
You look like a dork with the glasses. I like it.
best thing you have ever written:)
your forced metaphors are laughable. no one writes that way. and who says that our senior class is a "she"? write something more real.
Dear Anonymous,
If you have a problem with it, stop reading the blog genius.
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