Congratulations, you have faded into the drunken backdrop of college life.
I could not help stammering. A voice from behind the black glasses, red hair, 2 inch plugs and coloring booked body asked for my id. I went and melted down into the outdated furniture and watched the receptionist go up to make copies. Seven months of pregnancy did not seem to affect her.
I turned towards the friend and breathed out heavily. I got a grin in return. An hour passed. Thumbtacks from the entire map had all come here for a permanent decision. Curiosity lit up the waiting room as each hero walked out with their respective bandage.
Another hour passed. The prospective artwork lining the walls seemed repetitively inspected. A large multicolored man lumbered out to us.
-Now what do you want exactly?
Treaties were argued over. Locations designated themselves as fights over size and direction of the territories rang through the air.
-Alright, follow me.
The friend and I headed towards the "step up" sign into a square room. Two retro plastic chairs rested against a wave of mirrors. The needle and ink waved their greetings from the metal tray.
Cold alcohol jolted every molecule as the territory was being prepared. The friend pulled a plastic chair up to the padded bed. I lay down and heard the intimidating buzz of a life decision come to life behind me.
I grabbed the friends hand and felt that chill of impending pain.
-Oh, wow, that's not that bad at all.
SoDarkness behind eyelids calmed my senses. Vonnegut would be proud.
itMy eardrums throbbed with the buzz of the needle. nerves woke up and told my brain that this was not the original pleasant experience.
I clenched my teeth and attempted to cut the circulation from the friend's hand.
goes.Suddenly, the buzzing stopped as a thousand bees retreated back into the power cord.
Shaking arms propped myself up, I grabbed the hand mirror and spun away from the wall mirror.
-It's the perfect amount of curly.
the weight of the past two hours collapsed. I scared the burly multicolored man with a grin.
On the way home I thought about what I had just added to my body. All of my life I have held every harsh word and worry inside. Only recently have I learned to let things be.
Billy Pilgrim would be proud. So it goes.