A reminder of where you have been

Dear Grace,
This year is almost over. I thought that I should write you a letter to prove that you were young at one point, so when this frame of time seems nonexistent, you can have hard evidence that you were always crazy.
It took you 16 years, but I think that you are finally figuring out who you are. Although the secret is that you probably knew all along. But you tried to mold into this world until recently. I think that you fixed that. I don't know how you did, but I am glad. I realize that I am young. I can see my young hands typing this as a stare at my chipped raspberry toenail polish bobbing in tune with Cat Stevens.
I can always feel the constant craving to seem old and mature and not quite so 16. But I really do realize that if I try too hard, I shall find myself on the other side of the fence, reminiscing about days when I drove around with Lovely in his mustang, and we were unstoppable. When I spun around my room and still had no idea that there was a world beyond highschool. It is because of this that I need to tell you my New Year's Resolution, so that you can hold it to me, and to yourself.
I want to be the Grace that Bono wrote about. I don't want to give up on humans like Kurt Vonnegut did, at least not next year.
I want to love the fact that I don't fit in. I want to dance on top of the puzzle pieces they say that I should join together.
Most of all, I want to do things because I feel like it. I don't want to eat salads because they are good for me. I want to eat them because I like them. I want to work because it is fun. I want to drive because it's just as much fun as the place that I am trying to get to. I want to take classes because I love to learn, not so that I can get into a good college.
It's definitely looking up, my friend. Love Always, Grace
Hey! Just browsing around, and I have to say, that article of writing is really good. Intelligent, interesting and incredible. The tone of that letter is just... wow. You're a great writer. Just want to say that. Happy New Year! ^_^ ~Me
I am glad things are looking up. I love you.
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