Welcome to the west
They say that poverty breeds ignorance. I think they left out that wealth chooses it.
I live in a bubble. The West End is an area of a city where the semi wealthy reside. Unless you live here, you really wouldn't believe it. Countless housewives shuffling along in low heels with their flashing Penelope's jewelry. The same 3 story brick house cloned over and over as the cul de sacs wind around the people like an intertwining noose.
Kids have gleaming silver SUV's and 100 dollar weekly allowances and doctor fathers and the top high school in the state where every sport wins everything and a major league baseball player is recruited every 2-3 years. 1/5 of my high school(2500 kids) has at least a 4.0. Sure, it seems wonderful. That is where the ignorance comes into play. "Oh my god she wore that last week." "Yeah, he's really cool, but look at the type of car that he drives" It is very messed up. Now I am not saying that everyone living here is well off and snobby and careless. A lot of them aren't very well off, however, they try as hard as their middle class wages will allow to tap into the west end mentality. I even own something from Penelope's. The parents are just as ignorant as the kids.
Yes, your child goes to the top school in the state. He drives a nice car and has a pretty girlfriend. He also snorts cocaine. Forgot about that? And it is not like they have no idea. It is chosen ignorance. I can name several people who get picked up dead drunk and stoned by their parents every weekend. And then they come home to their nice 3 story brick house. And their parents smile and hope that the neighbors haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. Needless to say, Mexicans, blacks, Jews, gays, and anyone who thinks differently need not apply. I wonder if it is like this anywhere else in this poor country. I hope not.
Unfortunatly it is like that in other places in the U.S. A lot of places. But that is life, and that is teenagers. But as long as you, my friend, are safe and sound, I am happy and at peace with the world. I love you.
Yes, sadly, there are many other places like what you so aptly described. The worst one I've seen thus far is the north Dallas suburb, Plano. Their drug of choice used to be heroin, though. That was a few years ago. I wonder what designer toxin is all the rage now?
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