Lock your children up

My speakers stopped working. This could be a very bad omen.
Why do people put so much terror into child violence, when thousands are murdered by adults every year? I am not saying that kids shooting each other is not a big deal. It's a HUGE deal. But what about the adults? The people who are supposed to know better? Why do we expect kids to be better? Because they haven't seen enough in life to make them hate? Or does society just write those unlucky adult souls off as American lives that failed to work?
It's a real shame that some beings just aren't worth as much concern as others are. I guarantee you that if Eric Harris and his cohort had walked into work 5 years later after their columbine high school years were vanquished into the past, and shot 12 people. ..It would make the national news. Maybe twice. Maybe.
And this all makes me think back to a year ago, when my friends Hannah, John, Matt and I were cutting through Tuckahoe Elementary, and found a gun. A toy gun. That looked and felt and sounded like a real gun. What did we do? We laughed at our good fortune, and preceded to make a story out of photos. But in truth, was it really all play? Even though we were in high school, we still had a rousing time pretending to shoot each other. What about the 7 year old that lost the gun in the parking lot. What was he doing with it at school?
Each day, the overwhelming corruption, fear propaganda, and subtle lies that surrounds me in this society causes me to take yet another step back. To try to find the root of it. And I may just be 15 years old. I may be sheltered and immature and ignorant and this may be simply another paraphrased writing from the millions of other people in this country who just can't understand it.
But I am just 15.
That means that if I keep stumbling on things that don't seem right in life at the same rate that I am now.. Maybe, one day, I will understand it all a little better. And I will find a way to keep it all from affecting me. I just hope the speaker omen has nothing to do with it. Silence will never be the answer.
Remember when the sniper shot around Richmond? Although he was near, we felt safe. And I think it was because we were happy. Not just because we were making out with "cool" ninth graders, but because we just were. And I think sometimes although there is violence in the world, we can always push that aside. Because good will always conquer evil. I love you.
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