He kisses her at stoplights

I think that the worst thing about this holiday is that a lot of people only have a few good ones in their lifetime.
This is finally one of my years.
He is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I sometimes wonder if God carved his arms out to perfectly fit around me. He makes me sit and just continually laugh in disbelief in my amazing fortune.
My friends say that if I was a boy, I would be him. How on earth did I possibly run into this person?
I love him because he makes me love myself more than I have in a long time. He likes curves. That is still a mystery to me.
But at what point does love become love? I think that we have been fighting that question, and will continue to fight that question for the rest of eternity, because it is different for everyone. I have decided that for me, obsession is an infatuation with unearthly realism.
And love is the realization that I have something real that is not from this world.
I hope that you are not anti-valentine's day. No, it did not originally start off as a hallmark holiday. It started off because there was love. It didn't mean to become such a taboo holiday. That is people's fault. We take such a pure thing as love, and we slam it with hammers to try to make it fit a certain shape. We get angry at it, and deny it's very existence when we search for it too hard.
Don't do that. I am sorry if it sucks for you this year. But I want you to know, though you may not believe me,
Everyone has a favorite Valentine's day.
And Katt, I want you to know, I finally changed my password. Yes, it may just be love.
Grace, this entry literally welled my eyes up with tears. I am more than happy for you, because of all the beautiful and amazing girls that I know, you are one of the most deserving ones to have found such contentment in a boy. Though I won't have someone to kiss and call my own tomorrow, knowing you and so many others will really lifts me up a bit. And believe me when I say that you'll know when love turns into love; it is impossible to love and not know it.
that was fucking brilliant, grace. i really wish i could just like grab you and hug you right now.
fucking brilliant.
the thing i love about you most is you take all the topics everybody else either doesn't wnat to cover, or doesn't know how to cover correctly (love, valentine's day, etc) and puts them into amazing words.
i love it. and you.
drive to see me soon
Grace, your parents named you rightly so. You never cease to impress me with words and thoughts that are genuine as life itself.
I'm so glad the stars are shining on you and your beau this Valentine's day and that you could share it with a little slice of the world.
That was beautiful, Grace! You are so right...and that picture...you look SO HAPPY in it! Wonderful. Happy Valentine's Day to both of you! ;-)
Hey!! I love you!! Happy VDAY! Well let me tell ya! I have noticed a change -back to the old and original Grace Ann-the best one!! the one i adore!! the one that makes me happy!! Ok--so you are freakishly wise beyond your years--Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real.
--Iris Murdoch Sounds very similar to--I have decided that for me, obsession is an infatuation with unearthly realism. And love is the realization that I have something real that is not from this world.
He brings out the best in you!! You rsoo lucky to have him!! I hope to find someone just as kind!
More Quotes--
Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction.
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Love is fire. But whether it's gonna warm your heart or burn your house down you can never tell
--Jason Jordan
True love never lives happily ever after - true love has no ending.
--K Knight
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.
--David Viscott
To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another.
--G.W. Von Leibnitz
Wow, you seem to really have a way with words when it comes to expressing your thoughts. I really admire that. This may sound sort of odd or stalkerish, but I stumbled upon your journal through a link at Chad's website.. and I realized that I went to middle school with you, but you were a grade below me. I doubt you remember me, but yeah.. small world, eh?
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