Welcome to the Jungle

Most of my friends have probably unconsciously wondered why such a politically charged person such as myself has yet to write some crazy liberal ideology.
I haven't because my political beliefs are something that I am sure of. But tonight, I think I got my eyes opened a little more. Everyone in America grows up with those silent early morning groans as we got up and faced that flag. Even so, Our viewpoint most of the time, even insane liberals like me, is that America is free and just and different from other countries. Because we are not corrupt. The American Government really isn't corrupt though.
Capitalism and a Republic just develop these tendencies under the control of power and human nature. It's a proven fact. A few weeks ago, I was in history class when I stumbled across an excerpt that another class had read. The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, shows the scary reality of the meatpacking industry in Chicago in 1904. I read it. It was a good book, full of Political scandals, tricks, propaganda, and manipulation of the lower class. But that was all in 1904, right? Things have changed of course. We no longer pay people to vote for a political candidate, or pay them to not let certain people vote, or to register 3 times.
Tonight I saw fact that blew a few more shingles off of my sheltered existence. The basic structure of the tricks of politics are the same now as they were in 1904. Because Capitalism is still capitalism. A republic still votes people to represent. Of course people are going to manipulate such vulnerable systems. But then I thought.
If a Republic is so naturally corrupt, what about the other subjects in the book? The vulgarity of the meat industry, and it's many many illegal tactics, must still exist in some form today. Capitalism ties into a Republic perfectly. One gives power to another which is then in control of another and soon it's all one corrupt blur. I don't know if I am going to have the same fervor that I did. I don't know if I can, because even that is ignorance. I will probably still go to many anti-war marches, but I will know that they are so I can meet others like me. They are not going to stop the war. A dollar bill is a much bigger eye catcher then 1 million signs. I
got into all of this because of the equality that I truly want for all people. It's kind of like the Christians who cuss at someone on the road on the way home from church. This corruption is part of our beings. We are all corrupt. There really is no escaping. However, if everyone is corrupt, then that becomes normal. And we must then find a new standard of corruption. So it is not about Kerry. It's not about Bush, or Gore, or Moore, or the Saudi's, or the oil, or any of it. In the end, it is about the principal. Because that is the only true thing we can gaze to without being blinded by humanity.
At school we don't say the pledge of allegiance. I wonder why. Why are private, Catholic schools not obligated? And I wonder why you are you wise and intelligent and aware. Porbably because you are amazing. I love you.
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