One of the worst flaws that people have has to be the compelling need to compare.
It is one of those things that seems harmless, but when you look at it long enough, it becomes an addiction. Every girl walking down that hallway is just another fix.
Someone told me the other day that he is upset that I am a writer, because he is supposed to be a writer for a living, and that I just came out of nowhere.
That cannot be further from the truth.
We each have our own path. We're made up of totally different combinations. I've had a suicide in my family, maybe you have tried to commit suicide. Those are two entirely different spheres of emotion resting under the same stereotypically broad spectrum.
Comparing leads to jealousy. And resentment. And the need to be better. And sooner or later you turn around and realize that your entire life has been focused on measuring yourself to other standards, even though you have totally different requirements.
It's hard, too. Take a walk in times square. Everywhere, pounding little messages into your head, is the need to be like them. To look like that. To have that hair. To look that good in jeans. Look how far you have to go until you are able to turn society's head.
Next time that you see that really pretty girl in the hallway, or run into that guy who will always take better pictures than you. Next time you tear yourself apart because that bitch got the solo again..
Live your own life. Don't spend it trying to outshadow others.
I'm not saying that competition is bad. Not at all. It keeps our drive going. But there is a major difference between being competitive and being bitter.
You choose.
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