Rich, Mean, and Tall

If there is one major thing that I will take with me from being with the Mad Scientist,
It's that stereotypes are shit.
Sitting on a cliff, shrouded by bamboo, I talked some things out with the boy. And I am still thinking about that talk. And he is entirely correct.
A lot of people never get anywhere in life because they let the stereotypes that they have been born into make predictions a reality.
Just because my dad doesn't seem to exist does not mean that I am going to be dysfunctional. Just because my mother yells does not mean that I will always be defensive.
I know that I have let stereotypes rule me. I know that they have ruled you too. I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm mean, I'm worthless, I'm irresponsible.
Don't do that.
Vegetarians aren't all pale pot smoking hippies. Republicans aren't all rich snobby assholes.
Granted, it is a natural human instinct to categorize. But why spend our lives trying to break down walls, only to entrap ourselves in steel nets?
I really do think that I am crazy about this boy. And when he brings up ideas that are so simple, yet so profound, I cannot help but to sit and daydream in awe.
Not all mad scientists are crazy.
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