This society is run by old white men.
I'm dead serious.
Working at a high class restaurant like I do, you run into a lot of extremely rich people. Most of them look a lot alike
Suits, receding hairlines, wandering eyes, manicured wives.
The more and more I work there, the less and less that I envy the rich. Some of them are so quirky, and so unhappy, it makes me begin to appreciate not having everything that I want.
So tonight, Mr. Abercrombie and Mr. Fitch came to dine at my restaurant. They looked like my grandfather. Abercrombie is a man in his fifties with khakis and a knit sweater. Fitch is a large man with a blue shirt and a pocket protector. And as I sat there, watching these three seemingly ordinary gentleman decide what next years look was going to be. These men, who are half the reason that teenagers go home and empty their accounts on short skirts and the hottest thing,
are old, white men.
Kind of like the company owners at the next table. And the pharmaceutical company in the gold room.
From the clothes I wear to the paper I read, it's starting to seem like the same people control everything.
Old white men run this town.
For every rich white man dining at your restaurant there are about 10,000 poor white men underneath them sitting in front of a computer for 9 hours a day getting their retinas burned out by cathode rays. We work every day to make them richer. I used to work outside doing construction and manual labor. Compared to IT it's not bad. You get exercise, fresh air, even if the labor is back breaking. I envy them of their worldly possessions, because I hate being at the bottom rung of the system. Just once I'd like to be able to take a weekend in the Caymans or afford to pay for something more than my rent, car insurance, and student loans for a month. On the other hand, there are kids in third world countries who would like to be paying my rent and loans and be living in this country with a roof over their head and food to eat. Everyone's problems are relative. Money may not solve all, but it's the difference between spending half your life in a cubicle or half your life reclining in a hammock somewhere. Personally I'll take the latter.
You look it to this to deeply sometimes. You honestly could find a problem with anything if you truly wanted to. Some times you are right but some times you seem to be a little too critical. You look bunch everyone with money into one huge group and slap a huge label on them. Not everyone with money is a lazy old man who has spent his whole life sipping wine and sitting in hammocks. A overwhelming amount of those old men worked their ass off to get where they are. It is just not reasonable to believe that high executive positions are just given to people . If that were true businesses would fail. But they don't because people have spent their life working, so that they know what they are doing. So why criticize the people who have put forth the effort. I mean why do you go to school? This world does have a system. why do you go to school . Why do you work hard in school? So that you could be equal to everyone, even those who dont try? No, you put in more effort that the average person so you can become some thing more than the average person. So I guess what I am saying is watch who you step on in this blog because before you know it you will be in the position of these "Old White Men" someday.
I really like your blog and in no way am I saying it is bad in fact I really liked this blog because I can post my opinion.
I love you (Muah)
Without you I would definitely miss some of the gray in my black and white spectrum. You are definitely right, I am a hypocrite for writing a post about not comparing and sterotyping, and then completely contradicting myself. While I do feel that this position in life is dominated by this specific type (I've seen it) You are extremely right. Thank you for helping me to see another side of this. It's people like you who make me realise more and more as the days go by that moderation is sometimes best.
Je t'aime, you mad scientist, you
but really you're absolutely completely and totally right. times a million. plus 12.
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