Yes, I Guess They Outta Name A Drink After You

I think that it's about time to start stepping on some toes. Chad is right, I have been way to inconsistent and nice and fake lately. I just felt like I had lost it.
But when he reminded me of the immortal words of the blogging god
Things have been bothering me, and I need to get them out.
I have never been a big fan of drugs. Granted, I have always lived in the liberal mindset that freedom to choose is what it's all about. But I now know the difference between having drugs in your life, and having life in your drugs.
We all knew about his past. He had done some pretty crazy stuff for an 8th grader. But that was years ago, and he didn't do anything anymore.
Then we just kind of noticed at lunch that his pupils were the size of the dime bags he had bought. And the fact that we were learning new vocabulary in the size of the different pills that he was popping.
Then one day, he fed us hash brownies for lunch. That was when I started asking my friends
Shouldn't we do something about this?
"No Grace." They said. "This is not your place." I suddenly found myself to be the only one worrying. I even told him my concern.
He said that he was fine.
Now please, tell me that you are fine again. Now that you have gotten back from the hospital, where you were in a coma from triple c and too much alcohol.
My friends, tell me that it is fine. Don't tell me that this is not my place. Obviously his parents don't care. They looked the other way of the hospital band.
Why don't any of you care that he is so nonchalant about this? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Wait, I know. Maybe you are too drunk and high in the tent in the backyard to notice.
perhaps the shrooms you guys ate yesterday made everything seem rosy and fresh.
I used to be the liberal one. I used to laugh about drugs. Now I am the one who is scared to death. Is this just going to hit us one day? Which one of us is going to not wake up? Why are all of you still laughing? We are fucking ourselves up. I work with the messups. I see what happened to the guy who smoked pot through highschool. He is a sad excuse of a man, waiting on the rich.
The mad scientist tells me to look the other way. Everyone tells me to mind my own business. That this is not my decision.
So should I just not worry about it, and take off next Thursday for a funeral?
Yes, that sounds peachy.
stepping on toes has never looked so cool.
...anyway i love you, and you go step on toes girlie my love! after all, you could be saving somebody's life-and that's way worth the attitude you get from other people! i feel the same way- i am sick of reading lanas xanga entries that are from when she is high. it's soo horrible to see such wonderfully gifted people like Lana slip away into such a depth-not a high. god it kills me. i'll ttyl-enjoy the awesome weather!-love you, cameron
con·fi·den·tial ( P ) Pronunciation Key (knf-dnshl)
1. Done or communicated in confidence; secret.
2. Entrusted with the confidence of another: a confidential secretary.
well done! brilliant entry. it is soo good. what a great liberal writer you are!!!! I'm your friend with the hospital band loves everyone knowing about it. Man i love how stepping on toes means to betray your best friends and exploiting them. I wonder how Kage feels about you now.
ow you didn’t listen to a word I said. I said you can only give them your opinion. You can't live their lives for them. It is ok to be worried about your friends but you can only do so much. You can’t make them do anything. Some times you have to accept the fact the each person must control their own life. They can make something of themselves or not, and you must accept that fact. It is ok to be worried about them. You are their friend. You are stuck with a sword in this gun fight.
A few things..
I am not exploiting. This is my journal. j-o-u-r-n-a-l. I have been worried sick about this for over a week. I am not betraying a best friend.
I did not use names. This is not rude.
This is me finally saying something.
And Kage? wtf?
This is how I feel.
there are ways to go about this situation...and trashing people on your blog isnt one of them..consider how your writing affects people before you go making it public
sometimes stepping on toes is a part of writing-you're just stepping cheaply and at the expense of a dear friend
I know you are worried about me and i know you meant nothing by posting a entry about me. I know thats how you think things through and get out your emotions.
But even with that considered you had to right to write about what you swore to keep secret. I told you and a select handful of others what i did because i trusted you not to tell anyone.
Did you ever think about if i wanted to change how much harder it would be to if the world knew what i did. I wanted to keep it a secret and now that im back from the beach ive gotten no less than 13 messages from people who are worried to people who want to laugh in my face about it.
It was a bad call and i told you not to worry. Why would you break your promise to me and write something that was so painstakingly obvious to everyone that it was about me. You say you were worried about me but you obvoiusly dont really care about me if you are willing to break a promise that i made so clearly. And dont make acusations about my family and how my parents didnt care. You dont know anything about the situation and if you had come to me i would have told you the whole story.
Im still willing to be friends and i hold no hard feelings of any kind. Just know that i will never trust you the same.
- the boy overdosed and went to the hospital-
I know you are worried about me and i know you meant nothing by posting a entry about me. I know thats how you think things through and get out your emotions.
But even with that considered you had to right to write about what you swore to keep secret. I told you and a select handful of others what i did because i trusted you not to tell anyone.
Did you ever think about if i wanted to change how much harder it would be to if the world knew what i did. I wanted to keep it a secret and now that im back from the beach ive gotten no less than 13 messages from people who are worried to people who want to laugh in my face about it.
It was a bad call and i told you not to worry. Why would you break your promise to me and write something that was so painstakingly obvious to everyone that it was about me. You say you were worried about me but you obvoiusly dont really care about me if you are willing to break a promise that i made so clearly. And dont make acusations about my family and how my parents didnt care. You dont know anything about the situation and if you had come to me i would have told you the whole story.
Im still willing to be friends and i hold no hard feelings of any kind. Just know that i will never trust you the same.
- the boy overdosed and went to the hospital-
lib·er·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lbr-l, lbrl)
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
a. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor.
b. Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes.
3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.
4. Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education.
a. Archaic. Permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman.
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