Dear Mom:
The most painful blow that a parent can hit a child with is to shut down something that they are proud of.
way to go.
Yes, granted, I don't let you read my writing too often, but when I do show you something that has gotten raving reviews from teachers, I don't expect the response I got.
Did you copy this?
No mom. I didn't. I write. It came from my own head. These are my thoughts, and it makes me so angry that I can barely even stand when you just toss it aside and say "that's nice". Because you still probably don't believe me.
It's people like you who make me think that I have no talent in this world. It's people like you who don't even believe that I can fucking write something well.
I could come home and tell you that I was the president, and you would think that I bought votes.
That really hurts. More than and yell or scream or punch could.
Way to fucking go.
Maybe she meant that its so good, it seems like you copied it from a pro...that could be a compliment.
If it makes you feel any better, one of my college professors told me my writing was "not fitting to read." Today I write for a living and the day I write my first book, she'll get an autographed copy. It's cool. It's just one person's opinon. As Jay-Z says, "Go on brush yo shoulders off." Is there any problem that hip hop can't solve?
Dean Simon, clearly you never had this:
Seriously, hip hop can solve anything.
Whoa-ho, if you're a chuck taylor-wearin, tattooed, glasses-sportin, punk rock all star, you could very well be the man of my dreams. So buy a Weathermen CD, keep the chucks, and ride your skateboard into the sunset Dean Simon (if that's even the kind of person you are, and really, I just made up what you're like right here, so that could totally be off base). The world needs more good rockers and more hip hop.
Grace, I'm really sorry. I know how it is when you want so bad for someone that close to you to understand and appreciate what you love most, and they just can't. I'm sorry.
It's already been said here, I just wanted to add my sympathy to ya. It sucks to feel like your own parents just won't ever be satisfied with your best. I know where you're coming from there. Hopefully it's like Couch said, and she meant it as a compliment. Either way, you still know you did well. Hopefully she'll come around.
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